Rahmat Irvan PBI 6A

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This paper focuses on the using of digital media to enhance teaching and learning English as language difficulties is the critical issue of Indonesian students facing today. The study was conducted at University of Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta, explored the experiences of students at fifth semester supported the hypothesis that language difficulties influence the level of psychological well-being among Indonesian students. As students from non-English speaking countries enter the globalization era where speaking English is the norm, they are faced with the challenge of learning a new language as a prerequisite to successful and further thriving. The use of digital media has implications for the well-being of Indonesian students as online communication stimulates young learners social connectedness. Academic achievement would also benefit from schools having access to a teaching material aimed at delivering skills for the use of Internet and digital technology. In this paper, the writer tries to explore the new trend of digital media to enhance teaching and learning English not just simply because the students are confronted with digital media in their daily life anyway, but because of the fact that the more channels for the reception of information are used, the better for the students‘ language acquisition or their learning process in general. The findings support the conclusion that the using of digital media boosts the English language proficiency, and reduces the levels of cultural stress, academic difficulties, and negative emotions among Indonesian students confronted with other students across the world. 

Key words: digital media, teaching English, language learning, well-being

1. Introduction Language difficulties are the most critical issue facing Indonesian students today. Language proficiency may have a profound effect on an individual‘s ability to learn and develop, due to its key role in the transmission of information and regulation of cognitive processes (Binder & Smith, 2013). When focusing on language proficiency, the communicative purpose of language is of primary importance (Baker, 2001). This is because the ability to communicate effectively is vital in the measurement of a person‘s capability to perform socially and academically (Young, Sercombe, Sachdev, Naeb, & Schartner, 2013). As a result, language proficiency is one of the key factors in the process of gaining both academic and career achievements. The last two decades have witnessed a rapid transformation of traditional media into new media that encompasses digital, computerized, and networked information and communication technologies. The new digital media is now a valuable learning resource and all learning involves changes in the brain. The technology-based types of training from this media can improve working memory and others can provide mental stimulation that helps cognitive improvement as well. The new trend of digital media technologies including social networks (e.g. Second Life, Facebook, Twitter) offer opportunities for teachers to challenge previous centralized models of learning by connecting, sharing and discussing ideas with their students outside of the class room and at great distance from each other. New digital media have become an important part in the life of our young generation. It is a natural for teachers to take a close look at the trend and take it into consideration when lessons are conceptualized. By using these media, teachers are offered a great possibility to increase motivation, oral participation and thus language competence in almost every field. In this paper, the writer focuses on the impact of using digital media to enhance teaching and learning English on the well-being of Indonesian students conducted at University of Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta, explored the experiences of students at fifth semester as language fluency is a major determinant of successful career in the globalisation era. The higher the level of English language proficiency, the lower the levels of cultural stress, academic difficulties, and negative emotions among Indonesian students. As a teacher, I see that schools as institutions have to react to the emergence of this new media cultures. The greatest opportunity for change is currently found in after-school programs and informal learning communities. Schools and after-school programs must devote more attention to fostering the new media literacies; a set of cultural competencies and social skills that young people need to overcome the negative impacts of the new media technologies.

2. Literature Review 

2.1. The Notion of Digital Media

 According to the definition of the Communication Department at the University of Washington, digital media can be defined as any medium that uses digital interactive technologies as the engine for communication, e.g. video on demand services, interactive television, digital broadcasting systems and Internet based content distribution network. Digital media are a new form of communication, emerging as a result of ongoing technological change, that do not compulsorily require a physical carrier. (see M.C. digital media program. Department of Communication, University of Washington available at http://www.com.washington.edu/Program/MC/MC_Digital/faq.html). With the term digital media, we can refer not only to data storage product types such as CDs, DVDs, USB drives, memory sticks and MP3 players, but also to all the other new means of disseminating content through the various new digital technologies. The term is developed into a term called ―new media.‖ The name of new media itself, according to James, et al. (2009:6), ―Refer to the actual technologies that people use to connect with one another—including mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), game consoles, and computers connected to the Internet.‖ Through these technologies, young people are participating in a range of activities, including social networking, blogging, gaming, instant messaging, downloading music and other content, uploading and sharing their creations, and collaborating with others in various ways. Similarly, on their book Ito and colleagues (2008:12) stated that ―We use the term ―new media‖ to describe a media ecology where more traditional media, such as books, television, and radio, are ―converging‖ with digital media, specifically interactive media and media for social communication.‖ They use the term ―new media‖ rather than terms such as ―digital media‖ or ―interactive media‖ because they are examining a constellation of changes to media technology that cannot be reduced to a single technical characteristic. Current media ecologies often rely on a convergence of digital and online media with print, analog, and non-interactive media types Based on the theories above, the writer concludes that digital media here refers to applications of the computer that include multimedia, artificial intelligence and networking. Multimedia is the combination of the computational power of the computer with the presentation capabilities of video and audio. Artificial intelligence uses the computational power of the computer to support and in some ways mimic human cognition. Networking includes the uses of computers that are connected via landlines or microwave to each other and the Internet and World Wide Web. On the table below are the main types of Interned-based social media that are within the scope of online language education: 2.2. The Notion of Well-being According to the Oxford dictionary, well-being is defined as a state of good or satisfactory condition of existence characterized by health, happiness, and prosperity. For the purpose of the study, the definition by Diener is the most relevant. He describes wellbeing as the extent to which people are able to experience positive emotions and feelings of happiness (Diener, 2000). Therefore, relating to the definition, failure to achieve the level of smooth communication may lead to negative psychosocial consequences for Indonesian students that seriously interfere with their adaptation in this globalisation era where most countries are speaking English and their capacity to achieve optimally in the academic setting. The better English speakers students become, the more they feel socially connected with English native speakers and the less the psychological stress they experience.

3. Methodology

This is a qualitative study and the study is all about exploring issues, understanding the phenomena of using new digital media, and answering questions aims to gather an in-depth understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior. Descriptive qualitative design was used to describe and interpret students‘ experiences to determine the meaning of their experiences of each in their learning participation and to explore students‘ experiences to develop detailed understanding of central phenomena (Creswell, 2012:16). The object of the research is undergraduate students of Indraprasta University, fifth semester. However, the procedure used below is also adjustable for any level of language students. The concept of digital media language learning is in the formative phase and is still being shaped by the emerging socio-technical landscape of web 2.0 tools. It has great potential for encouraging student independence and developing intercultural and communicative skills. Below is a check list design that the writer uses for starting a new social network learning group. 1. Create compatible groups. Build a profile of the participants such as: the subject the students want to learn; the level of ability; learning objectives; interests; learning styles; willingness to participate. 2. Select the most appropriate medium and tools. 3. Provide a clear introduction and agree the rules of engagement  Give an introduction at the beginning of the course: in what language communication is to take place; how the course will be structured – that is by time, by topics or by some other method; the rules and restrictions of the social network; the role of the moderator; participants‘ rights and responsibilities; how much group and how much individual work will be expected; how much work will be on-line and off-line; when and how often does the group meet on-line. The content of each session

 Ask students to introduce themselves in a discussion forum. In the basic level, students could do this in their native language initially, to replace it at a later stage with a description in the target language. In fact, that could be their first aim. 4. Set goals. Students should set group and individual group. All students should share in creating group goals. Teacher as a moderator must ensure that goals are well defined, realistic and achievable; also that enough time is allocated to achieve them. 5. Encourage team working Students should understand each other‘s goals and styles and be open to resolving conflicts. Simple tasks or games are a good way of becoming acquainted. Agree the rules (and possible roles) within the team. Another way to think of this is establishing rights and responsibilities. 6. Listen actively, participate, and provide momentum if necessary:  Have tasks in mind during online sessions and consider giving homework assignments.  Listen carefully without interrupting.  Ask questions from time to time.  Add some examples from your personal life – it gives more personal contact.  Lead some discussions but not all of them.  Express your own opinions about the topics  Manage silence.  Learn to recognise, use and deal with silences.  Allow silences when students need time to formulate their thoughts and find the right words. 7. Fix problems, recognise and solve conflicts. Although moderating seems to be less authoritative than teaching, language course moderators on a social network should deal with those that are not following the rules. This may mean reminding students about the rights of participants, warning or even punishing repeat offenders.

8. Evaluate  Check for and give feedback. 

 Ask if your support was enough or appropriate. 

 At agreed intervals or at the end of a round of social network encounters surveys could be sent or made available online so that students can evaluate the course, the learning environment and the moderator. 9. Adapt 

 Suggest other tools to be used. 

 Make improvements to your own performance as well as the course and the environment.


Students demonstrate what they think, know, and can do as they engage in various online classroom activities that require the application of language processes and learning strategies. Authentic materials such as daily schedules, parents‘ profession, and hobbies are used to assess students‘ knowledge and skills (Holt & Van Duzer, 2000). When teacher simulates by assigning tasks that students may need to perform, such as telling daily activities, hobbies and their parents‘ profession; students have a familiar sense and did not find so much difficulties doing the tasks. (Marshall, 2002b). Teacher can learn a great deal about students by observing them engaged in such processes as reading, writing, and interacting with others. 

4. Discussion 

Four questions in behavior aspects from question 2, 3, 4, and 5 and six questions in attitudinal aspects from question 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 were equipped with reasons due to the questions purpose for confirmation of students‘ learning English progress. Most students (98%) stated they liked English more after learning using digital media due to their willingness to be able to speak English well. Meanwhile only few students (2%) stated they disliked English due to their difficulties of vocabulary and sentences. Many students (75%) stated there was no problem learning English using digital media. They had been familiar with digital media since senior high school. Rest of them (25%) stated digital media was a new thing and it took time for them to get familiar with it. Most students (97%) stated digital media helped them to understand the message of an activity. Most students (83%) stated it was not their first time to watch a movie or a scene from digital media. Many students (83%) stated retelling activity using English after watching a short movie using digital media is easier due to their easiness in recalling content. This finding also related to the students‘ motivation (90%) for learning English using digital media. More than half students (60%) stated digital media helped them improving their pronunciation after watching and listening a dialogue over and over. Rest of them (40%) stated although digital media did give them some clues, however, it was not easy to pronounce English words due to the influence of their mother tongue. Almost all students (93%) stated they felt in control of their learning using digital media because they could choose any topics they wanted to learn. This finding is also correlated with the most students‘ (90%) who answered that digital media enabled them to work at their own pace, and because of that, many students (80%) found it was easier for them to review course materials as often as they wish any time, any where. The rest (20%) who did not agree stated it was difficult to learn using digital media since they did not have free access to it. They had to go to Internet cafe first where sometimes the condition was not conducive for them to learn peacefully. Overall, many students (86%) stated they felt optimistic to be successful in their English classes after learning using digital media. They were so excited about playing educational games and getting their own digital learning profile outside of school. They not only adopted Facebook as their social network, but also adapted Facebook to serve as a highly effective tool for school project collaborations. Based on the findings above the writer concludes that the using of digital media does enhance teaching and learning English and have a very positive effect on the well-being of Indonesian students. Students in general stated they learned most effectively when socializing informally. New digital media is more than a form of entertainment or amusement for these students. It helps them build and maintain relationships, which they lack in real life, and hones their communication skills by facilitating intercultural communication between themselves and the international friends they make online. As a moderator, the writer also invited some of her English native speaker colleagues from various universities all over the world to teach language and all students can speak, listen, write to them, and read every material from each scene. Each scene teaches them new vocabularies and they will be put in a situation as if they are really there. 5. Conclusion There seems to be a relationship between not being able to communicate effectively i.e. understanding what others say and being understood, and measures of well-being level (depression, anxiety and stress). A major source of most of their frustration stemmed from the fact that they could not communicate effectively. Using the digital media has always been a challenge. Digital media provide teachers and students with creative and practical ideas. They also provide students with a lot of language practice and tasks which develop reading, writing, speaking and listening skills activities that hopefully can boost Indonesian students well-being by giving the students the confidence, the motivation and the ability to continue their learning outside the classroom. 


Books Baker, M. (2001). The Atoms of Language. New York: Basic Books. Binder, P., & Smith, K. (2013). The Language Phenomenon. The Language Phenomenon: Human Communication from Milliseconds to Millennia, The Frontiers Collection. ISBN 978-3-642-36085-5. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, 1. Creswell, J.W. (2012). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (4th Ed). Boston: Pearson Education. Diener, E. (2000). Subjective well-being: The science of happiness and a proposal for a national index. American Psychologist, 55(1), 34. Holt, D. and Van Duzer, C. (2000). Assessing success in family literacy and adult ESL. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics. Ito, M., Horst, H., Bittanti, M., Boyd, D., Herr-Stephenson, B., Lange, Patricia G., Pascoe, C. J., and Robinson, L.(2008). Living and Learning with New Media: Summary of Findings from the Digital Youth Project. Chicago: The MacArthur Foundation. James, C., Davis, K., Flores, A., Francis, John M., Pettingill, L., Rundle, M., and Gardner, Howard Gardner (2009). Young People, Ethics, and the New Digital Media: A Synthesis from the GoodPlay Project. Cambridge: The MIT Press. Marshall, B. (2002). Preparing for success: A guide for teaching adult ESL learners. Available from http://calstore.cal.org/store Meidasari, Venny Eka (2012). The Impacts of New Digital Media on Language Education: Indonesian Perspective. CoverAge Journal of Strategic Communication, 5-10. Young, T. J., Sercombe, P. G., Sachdev, I., Naeb, R., & Schartner, A. (2013). Success factors for international postgraduate students' adjustment: exploring the roles of intercultural competence, language proficiency, social contact and social support. European Journal of Higher Education, 3(2), 151-171. Internet M.C. digital media program. Department of Communication, University of Washington available at http://www.com.washington.edu/Program/MC/MC_Digital/faq.html

at 7/29/2021 07:42:00 PM Posted by Rahmat Irvan 0 Comments

NEW YORK, 24 September 2018 - BTS joined United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres; President of Rwanda Paul Kagame; World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, European Union, Ms. Federica Mogherini; UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore; United Nations Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth Jayathma Wickramanayake; Unilever CEO Paul Polman; and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Lilly Singh, among other global, business, education and youth leaders to launch a new partnership to get every young person into quality education, training or employment by 2030, at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly. Generation Unlimited will tackle the global education and training crisis currently holding back millions of young people and threatening progress and stability by focusing on three key areas of work: secondary-age education; skills for learning, employability and decent work; and empowerment. As prepared for delivery "Thank you, Mr. Secretary General, UNICEF Executive Director, Excellencies and distinguished guests from across the world. "My name is Kim Nam Jun, also known as RM, the leader of the group BTS. It’s an incredible honour to be invited to an occasion with such significance for today’s young generation. "Last November, BTS launched the “Love Myself” campaign with UNICEF, building on our belief that “true love first begins with loving myself.” We have been partnering with UNICEF’s #ENDviolence program to protect children and young people all over the world from violence. "Our fans have become a major part of this campaign with their action and enthusiasm. We truly have the best fans in the world! "I would like to begin by talking about myself. "I was born in Ilsan, a city near Seoul, South Korea. It’s a beautiful place, with a lake, hills, and even an annual flower festival. I spent a happy childhood there, and I was just an ordinary boy. "I would look up at the night sky in wonder and dream the dreams of a boy. I used to imagine that I was a superhero, saving the world. "In an intro to one of our early albums, there is a line that says, “My heart stopped…I was maybe nine or ten.” "Looking back, that’s when I began to worry about what other people thought of me and started seeing myself through their eyes. I stopped looking up at the stars at night. I stopped daydreaming. I tried to jam myself into moulds that other people made. Soon, I began to shut out my own voice and started to listen to the voices of others. No one called out my name, and neither did I. My heart stopped and my eyes closed shut. So, like this, I, we, all lost our names. We became like ghosts. "I had one sanctuary, and that was music. There was a small voice in me that said, ‘Wake up, man, and listen to yourself!” But it took me a long time to hear music calling my name. "Even after making the decision to join BTS, there were hurdles. Most people thought we were hopeless. Sometimes, I just wanted to quit "I think I was very lucky that I didn’t give it all up. "I’m sure that I, and we, will keep stumbling and falling. We have become artists performing in huge stadiums and selling millions of albums. "But I am still an ordinary, twenty-four-year-old guy. If there’s anything that I’ve achieved, it was only possible because I had my other BTS members by my side, and because of the love and support of our ARMY fans. "Maybe I made a mistake yesterday, but yesterday’s me is still me. I am who I am today, with all my faults. Tomorrow I might be a tiny bit wiser, and that’s me, too. These faults and mistakes are what I am, making up the brightest stars in the constellation of my life. I have come to love myself for who I was, who I am, and who I hope to become. "I would like to say one last thing. "After releasing the “Love Yourself” albums and launching the “Love Myself” campaign, we started to hear remarkable stories from our fans all over the world, how our message helped them overcome their hardships in life and start loving themselves. These stories constantly remind us of our responsibility. "So, let’s all take one more step. We have learned to love ourselves, so now I urge you to “speak yourself.” "I would like to ask all of you. What is your name? What excites you and makes your heart beat? "Tell me your story. I want to hear your voice, and I want to hear your conviction. No matter who you are, where you’re from, your skin colour, gender identity: speak yourself. "Find your name, find your voice by speaking yourself. "I’m Kim Nam Jun, RM of BTS. "I’m a hip-hop idol and an artist from a small town in Korea. "Like most people, I made many mistakes in my life. "I have many faults and I have many fears, but I am going to embrace myself as hard as I can, and I’m starting to love myself, little by little. "What is your name? Speak Yourself!"

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Transaksi jual beli di Internet belakangan ini memang telah berkembang dengan begitu pesat. Tidak hanya dalam proses transaksinya yang semakin beragam, kini juga telah muncul sebuah mata uang virtual baru yang bernama BitCoin. Mungkin sebagian dari Anda ada yang belum tahu bahkan baru pertama mendengar namanya.
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Pengertian dan Sejarah BitCoin

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Namun ada beberapa ahli yang menyatakan bahwa sang penemu tersebut adalah nama fiktif dan tidak ada secara nyata orang dengan nama tersebut. Ada sebagian ahli yang menyatakan bahwa mata uang BitCoin merupakan sesuatu yang dibuat oleh seseorang atau kelompok orang yang memang ingin membuat persepsi baru dalam dunia transaksi online. Dan tujuan utamanya tentu saja untuk mengambil keuntungan.
Namun, kembali lagi terlepas dari banyak nya cerita yang beredar nyatanya kini sudah ada orang yang bertransaksi dengan menggunakan BitCoin dan nampaknya hal tersebut makin marak bahkan sudah menyentuh masyarakat maya di Indonesia. Anda bisa mencari beberapa informasi di Kaskus karena tidak sedikit yang telah memperjual belikan BitCoin disana.

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Mengenai nilai BitCoin, jika di-kurs-kan dengan nilai dolas AS, beberapa pihak menyatakan bahwa saat ini nilai 1 BitCoin atau 1B (symbol BitCoin) senilai dengan $195 dolar. Namun nilai tersebut akan terus berubah sesuai dengan keberadaan jumlah BitCoin yang ada saat ini. Hingga saat ini diperkirakan sudah terdapat 21 juta BitCoin yang bertambah 25 BitCoin permenitnya diseluruh dunia.

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Yang menjadi kerugian dari pemakaian BitCoin adalah karena bentuknya yang hanya berupa file, memungkinkan BitCoin menjadi rusak/ hilang/ terhapus jika terjadi sesuatu dengan perangkat tempat kita menyimpan BitCoin tersebut. Dan kelemahan terbesarnya adalah karena BitCoin merupakan sebuah alat transaksi yang hadir karena ada kemauan dan kepercayaan dari para penggunaya. Hal ini memungkinkan suatu saat BitCoin bisa benar-benar tidak bernilai karena sudah tidak ada yang mau menggunakan mata uang tersebut.

oke sekarang kembali ke cara dapatkan uang dri bitcoin tsb

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Jika ada Pertanyaan atau keluhan silahkan komen saja dibawah
Arigatou ^_^

Oke Dalam Kesempatan Kali ini Mimin Blog Seru Kita akan menshare Link Download Bleach Season 3

Bleach Season 3 "Soul Society: The Rescue arc"
Episode : 042-063
Format : 3GP
Subtitle : Indonesia

Link Download
Eps 042 Subtitle Indonesia 3GP | DOWNLOAD 

Eps 043 Subtitle Indonesia 3GP | DOWNLOAD
Eps 044 Subtitle Indonesia 3GP | DOWNLOAD
Eps 045 Subtitle Indonesia 3GP | DOWNLOAD  
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Eps 063 Subtitle Indonesia 3GP | DOWNLOAD  

Dah segitu dulu ya Mimin capek uploadnya
mohon maaf kalo ada kekurangan karna mimin cmn manusia biasa yg gk sempurna karna Sempurna cmn milik Andra and The BackBone wkwkwwk :v 

untuk Season Selanjutnya ditunggu aj minggu depan ya tapi diuploadnya berkala lho jadi silahkan Subscribe Blog Seru Kita
Terima Kasih ^_^

Thanks To MariBebagi

Oke dalam kesempatan kali ini gua bkln ngeshare link download lagu" Punk Goes Pop 6
Full album lho
kalian pasti belum pada punya kan??
oke langsung aja ya
Punk Goes Pop Vol. 6 - Track Listing
1. Tyler Carter (feat. Luke Holland) - “Ain’t It Fun” >>> Disini
2. August Burns Red - “Wrecking Ball” >>> Disini
3. We Came As Romans - “I Knew You Were Trouble” >>> Disini
4. Upon A Burning Body (feat. Ice-T) - “Turn Down For What” >>> Disini
5. Set It Off - “Problem” >>> Disini
6. Crown The Empire - “Burn” >>> Disini
7. Oceans Ate Alaska - “Drunk In Love” >>> Disini
8. Youth In Revolt - “Royals” >>> Disini
9. Volumes - “Hold On, We’re Going Home” >>> Disini
10. Knuckle Puck - “Chocolate" >>> Disini
11. Slaves - “Sweater Weather” >>> Disini
12. State Champs - “Stay The Night” >>> Disini
13. Palisades - “Happy” >>> Disini

oke Silahkan disedot link diatas
linknya jgn dipake sendiri ya tolong sebarin ke yg lain makasih ^_^

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